marlene mckinnon

❝ marlene mckinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken, they got her whole family. ❞

x      name .      marlene mckinnon
x      fandom .      harry potter
x      age .      16-23 ( verse dependant )
x      birthday .      january 8
x      born in .      london, england
x      occupation .      ministry worker

x      residence .      london, england
x      orientation .      bisexual
x      species .      witch
x      ethnicity .      scottish
x      nicknames .      mars
x      faceclaim .      kristine froseth


main verse
marlene mckinnon never thought that being pureblooded was ever meant to mean anything. her parents, her own friends, none of it seemed to really matter, though she did find herself relieved, while young, upon discovering that her family didn't plan to marry her off like many of her own chums that she grew up with. no, the differences never seemed to mean anything... until she was sent to hogwarts.
promptly sorted into ravenclaw, marlene began to notice the kind of everyday cruelties that could be applied to a person, simply due to the circumstances of their birth. even those that she grew up with, had a cruelty within them that she hadn't expected, putting in a distance there that grew to last. even in these times, there were whispers of an evil, coming... and marlene knew that she wanted to fight, not only for herself, but for the future of all those that she knew.having graduated, she now works at the ministry as one of the arthimancer staff, following the family line that her parents have always wanted for her - but it only serves as a cover, so that she might watch the comings and goings of all those that come into the office. In truth, she is a member of the order of the phoenix... ready, and willing, to fight when the time comes.too bad they're all too terribly young to understand what the weight of war will bring. the paranoia of never knowing if the person you're speaking to really is themselves, or beneath the influence of a curse. watching friends and family alike fall victim as the war wages onwards, and they are left to suffer. marlene watches it all play out in silence, knowing that a hint of weakness is all one needs for accusations to fly, and her position ( and her life ) to be put into question. the anxiety is killing her - but if she isn't careful, the death eaters might be the ones to actually finish the job.( in canon, marlene is murdered, along with her family, by travers. i typically keep to this canon, but can be convinced to do a 'what if she lived' scenario. )modern verse
marlene still comes from a prestigious family, but strip out the magic, and center things within modern times. this verse is meant to be flexible for whomever, and more based within slice of life verses.
horror verse
a mix of her modern verse, with horror elements. think zombies, slasher flicks, anything along these lines.

main ships

@erstwhles - nathaniel
@white--ra66it - sirius
@pcrfectstorms - remus
@berzttos - carmy

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